I Couldn’t Abandon it Gradually

abandon, gradual, precise
I write A LOT about living with intention.  It would seem that I believe that action says a lot more that a boat load of words!  Then why was it so hard to intentionally find a new name for my blog?  Barbara’s Travels has been around for several years…but the emphasis and the content of this blog has changed a great deal.
     The shift has been gradual, almost indiscernible to anyone but me. As the blog evolved, I found it hard to keep the name and harder to change it.  It was as though I were abandoning something that had become very dear to me.  I even set up two other blogs to avoid changing the name of this one.  So I changed headers, colors, fonts, always avoiding the ultimate challenge of changing the name.  And that was precisely what I needed to do.
     Then I found that my blogs were being kicked into the spam folders on some prompt sites because I had the word ‘travel‘ in both the title and the address.  While I like to write, I like to scrawl for a purpose even more.  The last straw was  last week’s when Three Word Wednesday kicked me into the spam folder.  I have been posting here forever.  But the spam-kicker-outer does not have a personal attachment to me..
     So that is why.  I finally bit the bullet and changed from Barbara’s Travels to It Crossed My Mind.  Now the blog header says IT CROSSED MY MIND formerly Barbara’s Travels.  I hope you all like the name.  I suppose the blog template will need to change again to suit the name better but I am not going to shock my system too much at one time.
Thank you IIIWW for the prompt.  I love that you think of me when you choose these words.  They are perfect!


9 thoughts on “I Couldn’t Abandon it Gradually

  1. I wouldn't have thought the word Travel would be spammed, but with all the Expedia advertising, I guess I can see it.I know how attached we can become to a name. Or a label. I got very attached to my book title, then had to change it. I still mourne the loss; silly as it sounds. But this is still a beautiful site, and the name is interesting. I'm sure it reflects a bit of your personality still.I wandered over from the 3WW link to see how others handle the prompt before I sign on.Thanks for sharing your story; it engendered a fond memory for me………dhole

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