Fatal Mistakes…How to drive me away!

I’ve got holes in my head!!!!

     Black is good…just not on a blog.  I don’t know any other way to say it!  I cannot read blogs with black back grounds.  My bounce rate for black blogs is almost instantaneous.  It has nothing to do with prejudice or preference for colors.  I just cannot see the words!
     Start off saying what you are talking about….please.  I am easily confused.  When I sign forms I cannot tell whether to sign above or below the lines.  It is a disability I did not choose but what is, is.  So if a blog has ten lines of pictures, information and ads before I actually get to the blog post, I get confused and bounce right out of that place.
     Keep it short.  I love a good story but I do not like a lot of words…well unless you are Ernest Hemingway or someone like him.  Less that 1000 (much less sometimes) works for me.  I want to read and comment but short is good.  I have been guilty of lengthy tirades myself.  The key I think is to divide a piece up in smaller portions with head lines!
     The question here is…who the heck cares what I like?  But then again, how are you going to know if I don’t tell you?
     Just a thought!


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Sunday Scribblings…a favorite Sunday event!

Living Room of New Park ModelTiny Park Model Living Room 

Dear Friends,
     In the event of my passing, please be sure to edit my terrible blog posts here on Barbara’s Travels…I will send the password to someone you all know so you can mess around with my words.  Incidentally, I don’t plan on passing anywhere or anytime soon so don’t get your hopes up.  But just in case, you should pay very close attention and check in often for updates on my health!  🙂
     I hope all you Sunday Scribbling fans are doing what you love.  Sharing our thoughts on Sunday Scribblings has become a habit with many of us.  So when I ask you to take a look at the Travel Quiz I put on my Retire in Style Blog you will understand that I need to share what I have been doing.
     We have just arrived home after almost 7 months in Arizona.  Oregon is beautifully green and our big condo (or so it seems after that long in a tiny park model) was beautiful.  My family all showed up and removed the dust that had settled before we arrived.  I only wish I could have been a fly on the wall to see that big “event“!  When adults and children from 17 to 3 month are here, it gets a little crazy.
     I see that Keith over at Keith’s Ramblings has published a book about his friend Rosey!  Appropriately enough it is called My Friend Rosey I always loved the stories about her life, both on her blog and his.  What a delightful young woman she must be. 
     All is well here…I just wanted to drop you all a short line.  Be well!


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